مطعم ست الشام i Damasco

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Damasco, Siria
Kontakter telefon: +963 11 331 1238
Latitude: 33.5150442, Longitude: 36.2855109
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Kommentar 5

  • A Propertior

    A Propertior


    Excellent arabic food

  • Hsn Khalil

    Hsn Khalil


    Damascus. Fine syrian dishes.

  • Tim Hallenhuber

    Tim Hallenhuber


    Mega restaurant in a mega city. Damaskus! Unfortunately it is at the moment so difficult to get there due to sanctions of the US-lead western world. In terms of quality and cleanness, this restaurant could even be sucessfull in Germany!

  • Shams Alkari

    Shams Alkari


    The one true authentic breakfast dining restaurant in Damascus, universally adored by locals and tourists. I highly recommend you visit, a trip to Damascus is incomplete without experiencing the delicious culture rich dishes prepared fresh to order. Better than homemade, satisfying in every regard. The staff out front and in the kitchen really make this place worthy of praise, we were looked after hand and foot.

  • Ammar sroujeh

    Ammar sroujeh


    الأكلات التقليدية الشامية الرائعة (فته بانواعها، فول، شرحات اللحم المطفئه بالحمض والثوم.... الخ) تجهز وتقدم بطريقة رائعة فريق العمل محترف المقبلات شهية انصح به، السعر معتدل

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